Formatos e Edições deHardtack and coffee, or, The unwritten story of army life : including chapters on enlisting, life in tents and log huts, Jonahs and beats, offences and punishments, raw recruits, foraging, corps and corps badges, the wagon trains, the Army mule, the engineer corps, the signal corps, etc. []
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      Título / Autor Tipo Idioma Data / Edição Publicação Biblioteca
1. Hardtack and coffee, or the unwritten story of... Autor: John Davis Billings
Autor: John Davis Billings
  Imprimir livro : Biografia
Alexandria, Va. : Time-Life Books
California Libraries
2. Hardtack and coffee, or, The unwritten story of... Autor: John Davis Billings
Autor: John Davis Billings
  Imprimir livro : Biografia
[Alexandria, Va.] : Time-Life Books
Bibliotecas WorldCat
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