Formats and Editions of Dong wu nong zhuang = Animal farm []
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Showing all editions for '動物農莊 = Animal farm / Dong wu nong zhuang = Animal farm' > 'Undetermined' limited to Libraries Worldwide
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Displaying Editions 91 - 100 out of 107
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      Title / Author Type Language Date / Edition Publication Library
91. Animal farm : a fairy story by George Orwell
by George Orwell
  Print book  
1st ed
New York : Harcourt Brace & Co
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92. Animal farm. by George Orwell
by George Orwell
  Print book  
Prince Frederick, MD Recorded Books
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93. Animal farm : a fairy story by George Orwell
by George Orwell
  Print book  
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94. Kammerat Napoleon by George Orwell
by George Orwell
  Print book  
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95. O porco triunfante = Animal farm by George Orwell, pseud.
by George Orwell, pseud.; Alberto Carlos Aprá
  Print book  
Lisboa : Popular
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96. La fattoria degli animali. by George Orwell
by George Orwell; Bruno Tasso
  Print book  
Milano : Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1984 : [publisher not identified]
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97. ALLATFARM. by George Orwell
by George Orwell
  Print book  
WorldCat Libraries
98. Fattoria degli animali by George Orwell
by George Orwell
  eBook : Document    
Feltrinelli Editore
WorldCat Libraries
99. Animal Farm. by George Orwell
by George Orwell
  Print book    
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100. Animal farm by George Orwell
by George Orwell
  Print book    
London : David Campbell Publishers, 1993
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