Formats and Editions of The Count of Monte Cristo. []
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      Title / Author Type Language Date / Edition Publication Library
201. Ji du shan bo jue by Da zhong ma.
by Da zhong ma.; Zhang hong wei.;
  Print book : Fiction
北方妇女儿童出版社, Chang chun : Bei fang fu nü er tong chu ban she
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202. Ji du shan bo jue by Da zhong ma
by Da zhong ma; Li jia hong.;
  Print book : Fiction
连环画出版社, Bei jing : Lian huan hua chu ban she
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203. Ji du shan bo jue by zhong ma Da, (fa)
by (法) 大仲马. zhong ma Da, (fa)
  Print book : Fiction
Di 1 ban
延边大学出版社, Yan ji : Yan bian da xue chu ban she
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204. Ji du shan en chou ji by Da Zhong Ma, (Dumas  Alexandre  1802-1870)
by 大仲馬 (Dumas, Alexandre, 1802-1870) Da Zhong Ma, (Dumas Alexandre 1802-1870); Shi-hong Guo; Alexandre Dumas
  Print book : Biography
Chu ban
漢宇國際文化出版 : 幼福文化總經銷, Tai bei xian zhong he shi : Han yu guo ji wen hua chu ban : You fu wen hua zong jing xiao
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205. Ji du shan bo jue by Da zhong ma., (fa)
by (法) 大仲马. Da zhong ma., (fa); Han hu lin.; Zhou ke xi.
  Print book : Fiction
Di 1 ban
上海译文出版社, Shang hai : Shang hai yi wen chu ban she
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206. Ji du shan bo jue by Zhongma Da
by Zhongma Da; Mas Du; Kexi Zhou;
  Print book
Di 1 ban
上海译文出版社, Shanghai : Shang hai yi wen chu ban she
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207. Ji du shan bo jue by Da zhong ma
by Da zhong ma; Wang wei na.;
  Print book : Fiction
湖北美术出版社, Wu han : Hu bei mei zhu chu ban she
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208. Ji du shan bo jue by Da zhong ma
by Da zhong ma; Zha qun ying.;
  Print book : Fiction
内蒙古人民出版社, Hu he huo hao te : Nei meng gu ren min chu ban she
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209. Ji du shan bo jue = The count of monte cristo by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas; Yansu Hao
  Print book : Fiction
Di 1 ban
中国对外翻译出版公司, Beijing : Zhongguo dui wai fan yi chu ban gong si
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210. Ji du shan bo jue by Alexandre Dumas
by 大仲马, 1802-1870. Alexandre Dumas; Xiaoqing Chen; Yumin Li
  Print book : Fiction
国际文化出版公司, Beijing : Guo ji wen hua chu ban gong si
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