Formats and Editions of Physics of the future : how science will shape human destiny and our daily lives by the year 2100 []
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      Title / Author Type Language Date / Edition Publication Library
1. 2100 ke ji da wei lai : cong xian zai dao 2100... by Michio Kaku
by 加來道雄. Michio Kaku; Shuijin Zhang
  Print book
Chu ban
時報文化出版企業股份有限公司, Taibei Shi : Shi bao wen hua chu ban qi ye gu fen you xian gong si
California Libraries
2. 2100 ke ji da wei lai / Physics of the future... by Michio Kaku
by Michio Kaku; Shuijin Zhang
  Print book
Er ban
時報文化出版企業股份有限公司, Taibei Shi : Shi bao wen hua chu ban qi ye gu fen you xian gong si
WorldCat Libraries
3. Wu li xue de wei lai : Ke xue zen yang jue ding... by Michio Kaku.
by 加来道雄 (Kaku, Michio) Michio Kaku.; Yisheng Wu; Limeng Yang
  Print book
Di 1 ban
重庆出版社, Zhongqing : Zhong qing chu ban she
WorldCat Libraries
4. 2100 ke ji da wei lai : cong xian zai dao 2100... by Daoxiong Jialai
by 加來道雄 著. Daoxiong Jialai; Shuijin Zhang
  Print book
Chu ban
時報文化出版企業公司, Tai bei shi : Shi bao wen hua chu ban qi ye gong si
WorldCat Libraries
5. Wu li xue de wei lai : ke xue zen yang jue ding... by Michio Kaku
by Michio Kaku; Yisheng Wu; Limeng Yang
  Print book
Di 1 ban
重庆出版社, Chongqing : Chongqing chu ban she
WorldCat Libraries
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