Formats and Editions of The Count of Monte Cristo []
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      Title / Author Type Language Date / Edition Publication Library
1. Ji du shan bo jue by Da zhong ma
by Da zhong ma; Li shu.;
  Print book : Fiction
内蒙古大学出版社, Hu he huo hao te : Nei meng gu ta xue chu ban she
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2. Ji du shan bo jue by Dazhongma
by 大仲马 1802-1870. Dazhongma; Xiaoliang Zhang
  Print book : Fiction
Di 1 ban
内蒙古少年儿童出版社 ; 内蒙古文化出版社, Tong liao : Nei meng gu shao nian er tong chu ban she ; Hai la mi : Nei meng gu wen hua chu ban she
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3. Ji du shan bo jue by Da zhong ma
by Da zhong ma; Fan chao.;
  Print book : Fiction
内蒙古人民出版社, Hu he huo hao te : Nei meng gu ren min chu ban she
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4. Ji du shan bo jue by Da zhong ma
by Da zhong ma; Ying yu xue xi da shu chong yan jiu shi.;
  Print book : Fiction
伊犁人民出版社, Kui tun : Yi li ren min chu ban she
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5. Ji du shan bo jue = The count of Monte Cristo by Dazhongma
by 大仲马 1802-1870. Dazhongma; Dazhong Yan; Ming Yu
  Print book : Fiction
Di 1 ban
远方出版社, Hu he hao te : Yuan fang chu ban she
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6. Jidushan bo jue by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas; Xiaoliang Zhang
  Print book : Fiction
Di 1 ban
內蒙古少年儿童出版社 : 內蒙古文化出版社, [Tongliao Shi?] : Nei Menggu shao nian er tong chu ban she : Nei Menggu wen hua chu ban she
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7. Ji du shan bo jue by Dazhongma
by 大仲马 1802-1870. Dazhongma; Junjin Wang, (fan yi); Qingde Bai
  Print book : Fiction
Di 1 ban
延边人民出版社, Yan ji : Yan bian ren min chu ban she
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8. Ji du shan bo jue by Da zhong ma
by Da zhong ma; Li ming.;
  Print book : Fiction
哈尔滨出版社, Ha er bin : Ha er bin chu ban she
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9. Gi du shan bo jue by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas; Zhongyong Zi; Weiming Zhang
  Print book : Fiction : Juvenile audience
Hangshou shi : Zhejiang shao nian er tong chu ban she
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10. Ji du shan bo jue by Da zhong ma
by Da zhong ma; Zhang xiao liang.;
  Print book : Fiction
内蒙古少年儿童出版社, Tong liao : Nei meng gu shao nian er tong chu ban she
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