Tags used on "What is interior design?" [WorldCat.org]
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What is interior design?

by Graeme Brooker; Sally Stone
Type:   Print book
Publisher: Mies, Switzerland : RotoVision, ©2010.
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architect (by 2 people)

architectural (by 2 people)

classroom (by 2 people)

creativity (by 2 people)

group study (by 2 people)

interiority (by 2 people)

interiors (by 2 people)

learning (by 2 people)

learning space (by 2 people)

museums (by 2 people)

research (by 2 people)

space (by 2 people)

spaces (by 2 people)

spatial (by 2 people)

teaching (by 2 people)

virtual (by 2 people)

academic liaison librarian (by 1 person)

aldgate (by 1 person)

architecture (by 1 person)

books (by 1 person)

cass (by 1 person)

collaboration (by 1 person)

commercial road library (by 1 person)

creatives (by 1 person)

design (by 1 person)

e-books (by 1 person)

ebooks (by 1 person)

education (by 1 person)

interior architecture (by 1 person)

interior design (by 1 person)

library (by 1 person)

lmu (by 1 person)

london metropolitan university (by 1 person)

the cass (by 1 person)

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