Formats and Editions of Gone with the wind []
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Showing all editions for 'Gone with the wind' > 'Italian' limited to Libraries Worldwide
Displaying Editions 1 - 10 out of 19
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      Title / Author Type Language Date / Edition Publication Library
1. Gone with the wind by David O Selznick
by David O Selznick; Sidney Coe Howard; Victor Fleming; Max Steiner; William Cameron Menzies; Jack Cosgrove; Hal C Kern; Leslie Howard; Vivien Leigh; Clark Gable; Olivia De Havilland; Thomas Mitchell; Barbara O'Neil; Evelyn Keyes; Ann Rutherford; George Reeves; Fred Crane; Hattie McDaniel; Oscar Polk; Butterfly McQueen; Victor Jory; Everett Brown; Howard Hickman; Alicia Rhett; Rand Brooks; Carroll Nye; Laura Hope Crews; Eddie Anderson; Harry Davenport; Leona Roberts; Jane Darwell; Ona Munson; Paul Hurst; Isabel Jewell; Cammie King; Eric Linden; J M Kerrigan; Ward Bond; Jackie Moran; Cliff Edwards; Lillian Kemble-Cooper; Yakima Canutt; Marcella Martin; Louis Jean Heydt; Mickey Kuhn; Olin Howland; Irving Bacon; Robert Elliott; William Bakewell; Mary Anderson; Lyle Wheeler; Walter Plunkett; Margaret Mitchell; Turner Entertainment Co.; Warner Home Video (Firm); Selznick International Pictures.; Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures.;
  DVD video : PAL color broadcast system
[United States] : Turner Entertainment ; [Sydney?] : Warner Home Video (distributor)
California Libraries
2. Gone with the wind by David O Selznick
by David O Selznick; Margaret Mitchell; Victor Fleming; Clark Gable; Vivien Leigh; Leslie Howard; Olivia De Havilland;
  DVD video
Pymont, N.S.W. : Warner Home Video [distributor]
California Libraries
3. Gone with the wind by Victor Fleming
by Victor Fleming; Clark Gable; Vivien Leigh; Leslie Howard; Thomas Mitchell; Max Steiner; Margaret Mitchell; Ernest Haller; Lyle Wheeler; Hal C Kern; Sidney Coe Howard;
  Bluray Video : Videodisc : Blu-ray disc   Visual material
London : Warner Bros. Entertainment UK
WorldCat Libraries
4. Gone with the wind = Autant en emporte le vent by Victor Fleming
by Victor Fleming; Margaret Mitchell; Sidney Coe Howard; Max Steiner; Clark Gable; Vivien Leigh; Leslie Howard
  DVD video : PAL color broadcast system
Edition collector
Paris : Warner home video France [éd., distrib.]
WorldCat Libraries
5. Gone with the wind by Margaret Mitchell
by Margaret Mitchell; Sidney Howard; Ernest Haller; Victor Fleming; Clark Gable; Vivien Leigh; Leslie Howard; Olivia de Havilland
  Bluray Video : Videodisc : Blu-ray disc   Visual material
[Frederiksberg] : Warner Home Video Denmark
WorldCat Libraries
6. Gone with the wind by Victor Fleming
by Victor Fleming; Ernest Haller; Sidney Howard; Margaret Mitchell; Clark Gable; Vivien Leigh; Leslie Howard; Olivia de Havilland
  Bluray Video : Videodisc : Blu-ray disc   Visual material
[Frederiksberg] : Warner Home Video Denmark
WorldCat Libraries
7. Gone with the wind = Borta med vinden by Victor Fleming
by Victor Fleming; Sidney Coe Howard;
  DVD video
Solna : Warner Home Video
WorldCat Libraries
8. Gone with the wind by David O Selznick
by David O Selznick; Victor Fleming; Margaret Mitchell;
  DVD video
70th anniversary limited ed 1939-2009
[Great Britain] : Warner Home Video
WorldCat Libraries
9. Gone with the wind = V vrtincu by Margaret Mitchell
by Margaret Mitchell; Sidney Coe Howard; Max Steiner; Ernest Haller; Victor Fleming; Clark Gable; Vivien Leigh; Leslie Howard; Olivia De Havilland; Thomas Mitchell; Barbara O'Neil; Evelyn Keyes; Ann Rutherford; Hattie McDaniel;
  DVD video
Posebna zbirateljska DVD izd
Ljubljana : JA-MI
WorldCat Libraries
10. Gone with the wind = Autant en emporte le vent by Victor Fleming
by Victor Fleming; Margaret Mitchell; Sidney Coe Howard; Max Steiner; Clark Gable; Vivien Leigh; Leslie Howard; et al
  DVD video : PAL color broadcast system
Edition prestige
[S.l.] : Turner Entertainment : Warner home video
WorldCat Libraries
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