Formats and Editions of The Count of Monte Cristo []
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      Title / Author Type Language Date / Edition Publication Library
1. Ji du shan bo jue by zhong ma Da, (fa) (Dumas  Alexandre.
by (法) 大仲马, (Dumas, Alexandre. zhong ma Da, (fa) (Dumas Alexandre.; hu lin Han; ke xi Zhou
  Print book : Fiction
Di 1 ban
上海译文出版社, Shang hai : Shang hai yi wen chu ban she
California Libraries
2. Ji du shan bo jue by zhong ma Da, (fa)
by (法) 大仲马. zhong ma Da, (fa); fu Lin
  Print book : Fiction
Di 1 ban
大众文艺出版社, Bei jing : Da zhong wen yi chu ban she
WorldCat Libraries
3. Ji du shan bo jue by Alexandre Dumas.
by 大仲马 (Dumas, Alexandre) Alexandre Dumas.; Hulin Han; Kexi Zhou
  Print book
Di 1 ban
上海译文出版社, Shanghai : Shang hai yi wen chu ban she
WorldCat Libraries
4. Ji du shan bo jue = The Count of Mont Cristo by zhong ma Da, (fa)
by (法) 大仲马 zhong ma Da, (fa); lin Gao
  Print book : Fiction
3 ban
长江文艺出版社, Wu han : Chang jiang wen yi chu ban she
WorldCat Libraries
5. Ji Du Shan Bo Jue by zhong ma Da, (fa)
by (法) 大仲马. zhong ma Da, (fa)
  Print book : Fiction : Primary school
Di 1 ban
延边大学出版社, Yan ji : Yan bian da xue chu ban she
WorldCat Libraries
6. Ji du shan bo jue by zhong ma Da, (fa) (Dumas pere  Alexandre
by (法) 大仲马, (Dumas pere, Alexandre, 1802-1870) zhong ma Da, (fa) (Dumas pere Alexandre; ju cheng Wang
  Print book : Fiction : Juvenile audience
Di 1 ban
长江文艺出版社, Wu han : Chang jiang wen yi chu ban she
WorldCat Libraries
7. Ji du shan bo jue by Da zhong ma.
by 大仲马. Da zhong ma.; Lijie Ding
  Print book
Di 1 ban
江苏少年儿童出版社, Nanjing : Jiang su shao nian er tong chu ban she
WorldCat Libraries
8. Jidu Shan bo jue by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas; Hulin Han; Kexi Zhou
  eBook : Document : Fiction
Di 1 ban
上海译文出版社, Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she
WorldCat Libraries
9. Ji du shan bo jue by zhong ma Da, (fa) (Dumas  Alexandre
by (法) 大仲马, (Dumas, Alexandre, 1802-1870) zhong ma Da, (fa) (Dumas Alexandre; yu min Li; xiao qing Chen
  Print book : Fiction
Di 1 ban
中国华侨出版社, Bei jing : Zhong guo hua qiao chu ban she
WorldCat Libraries
10. Ji du shan en chou ji = le comte de monte-cristo by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas; Kelu Zheng
  Print book : Fiction
译林出版社, Nanjing : Yi lin chu ban she
WorldCat Libraries
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