Formati ed edizioni di The Count of Monte Cristo []
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      Titolo / Autore Tipo Lingua Data / Edizione Pubblicazione Biblioteca
1. Jidu shan en chou ji per Alexandre Dumas
per Alexandre Dumas; Hulin Han
  Libro a stampa : Fiction
Chu ban
英屬維京群島商高寶國際有限公司台灣分公司, Taibei Shi : Ying shu Weijing Qundao shang Gao bao guo ji you xian gong si Taiwan fen gong si
California Libraries
2. Ji du shan bo jue per Da zhong ma
per Da zhong ma; Li yu min;
  Libro a stampa : Fiction
光明日报出版社, Bei jing : Guang ming ri bao chu ban she
Biblioteche WorldCat
3. Jidushan bo jue per Alexandre Dumas
per Alexandre Dumas; Jun Wang
  Libro a stampa : Fiction
Di 1 ban
华中师范大学出版社, Wuhan Shi : Hua zhong shi fan da xue chu ban she
Biblioteche WorldCat
4. Ji du shan bo jue per Da zhong ma
per Da zhong ma; Huang zhan ying.;
  Libro a stampa : Fiction
吉林出版集团有限责任公司, Chang chun : Ji lin chu ban ji tuan you xian ze ren gong si
Biblioteche WorldCat
5. Ji du shan bo jue per Da zhong ma
per 大仲马 Dumas, Alexandre 1802-1870. Da zhong ma; He yi.; Wang qi.;
  Libro a stampa : Fiction
北方文艺出版社, Ha er bin : Bei fang wen yi chu ban she
Biblioteche WorldCat
6. Ji du shan bo jue = The count of Monte Cristo per Zhongma Da, (fa) (Dumas  Alexandre
per (法) 大仲马, (Dumas, Alexandre, 1802-1870) Zhongma Da, (fa) (Dumas Alexandre; Zhanying Huang
  Libro a stampa : Fiction
Di 1 ban
吉林出版集团有限责任公司, Chang chun : Jilin chu ban ji tuan you xian ze ren gong si
Biblioteche WorldCat
7. Ji du shan bo jue per Da zhong ma
per Da zhong ma; Wang yang.;
  Libro a stampa : Fiction
新星出版社, Bei jing : Xin xing chu ban she
Biblioteche WorldCat
8. Ji du shan bo jue per Da zhong ma
per Da zhong ma; Rui ye.;
  Libro a stampa : Fiction
南海出版公司, Hai kou : Nan hai chu ban gong si
Biblioteche WorldCat
9. Jidushan bo jue = Le comte de Monte-Cristo per Alexandre Dumas
per Alexandre Dumas; Yumin Li
  Libro a stampa : Fiction
Di 1 ban
中国画报出版社, Beijing : Zhongguo hua bao chu ban she
Biblioteche WorldCat
10. Ji du shan bo jue per Da zhong ma
per Da zhong ma; Gao yu jun.;
  Libro a stampa : Fiction
上海人民美术出版社, Shang hai : Shang hai ren min mei zhu chu ban she
Biblioteche WorldCat
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