Formats and Editions of MLA handbook for writers of research papers. []
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Showing all editions for 'MLA handbook for writers of research papers.' > '2004' limited to Libraries Worldwide
Displaying Editions 1 - 7 out of 7
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      Title / Author Type Language Date / Edition Publication Library
1. MLA handbook for writers of research papers by Joseph Gibaldi
by Joseph Gibaldi
  Print book
6 ed
New York, N.Y. Modern Language Association
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2. MLA handbook for writers of research papers by Joseph Gibaldi
by Joseph Gibaldi; Modern Language Association of America
  Print book
6th ed., 2nd printing
New York : Modern Language Association of America
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3. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. by Joseph Gibaldi
by Joseph Gibaldi
  Print book  
New York Modern Language Assn. of America
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4. MLA handbook for writers of research papers by Joseph Gibaldi
by Joseph Gibaldi; Modern Language Association of America.
  Print book : CD for computer   Computer File
[6th ed. of book]
Vancouver, B.C. : Langara College
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5. MLA handbook for writers of research papers by Joseph Gibaldi
by Joseph Gibaldi; Modern Language Association of America.
  Print book
6th ed. ; 1st East-West Press ed
New York : Affiliated East-West Press Private
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6. MLA handbook for writers of research papers by Joseph Gibaldi
by Joseph Gibaldi
  Print book
6. ed., 2. print
New York, NY : Modern Language Assoc. of America
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7. MLA handbook for writers of research papers by Joseph Gibaldi
by Joseph Gibaldi; Modern Language Association of America
  Print book
6. ed
New York : Modern Language Association of America
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