Tags used on "Redrawing the boundaries : the transformation of English and American literary studies" [WorldCat.org]
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Redrawing the boundaries : the transformation of English and American literary studies

by Stephen Greenblatt; Giles B Gunn;
Type:   Print book
Publisher: New York : Modern Language Association of America, 1992.
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literatura anglo-estadounidense (by 3 people)

traducción (by 3 people)

transformación (by 3 people)

english (by 2 people)

estudios (by 2 people)

inglés (by 2 people)

literatura (by 2 people)

inglés (by 1 person)

literary (by 1 person)

literatura inglesa (by 1 person)

teoría de fundamentos (by 1 person)

teoría (by 1 person)

traducción (by 1 person)

transformation (by 1 person)

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