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      Titolo / Autore Tipo Lingua Data / Edizione Pubblicazione Biblioteca
1. Lao ren yu hai = The Old man & the sea per Ernest Hemingway
per Ernest Hemingway; Yinkai Wan
  Libro a stampa
文友書店, Taibei : Wen you shu dian
California Libraries
2. Lao ren yu hai = The old man and the sea per Haimingwei
per 海明威 Hemingway, Ernest 1899-1961. Haimingwei
  Libro a stampa
Di 1 ban
上海外语教育出版社, Shanghai : Shang hai wai yu jiao yu chu ban she
Biblioteche WorldCat
3. Lao ren yu hai = The old man and the sea per Ernest Hemingway
per Ernest Hemingway
  Libro a stampa : Fiction
Di 1 ban
北京语言大学出版社, Beijing : Beijing yu yan da xue chu ban she
Biblioteche WorldCat
4. Lao ren yu hai = The old man and the sea : ying... per Haimingwei, (mei)
per (美) 海明威 (1899-1961) Haimingwei, (mei)
  Libro a stampa : Fiction
Di 1 ban
云南人民出版社, Kun ming : Yunnan ren min chu ban she
Biblioteche WorldCat
5. Lao ren yu hai = The old man and the sea per Haimingwei
per 海明威 Hemingway, Ernest 1899-1961. Haimingwei
  Libro a stampa
Di 1 ban
北京时代华文书局, Beijing : Bei jing shi dai hua wen shu ju
Biblioteche WorldCat
6. Lao ren yu hai = The old man and the sea per Haimingwei., (mei)
per (美) 海明威. Haimingwei., (mei); Hongchang Cai
  Libro a stampa : Fiction
Di 1 ban
外文出版社, Beijing : Wai wen chu ban she
Biblioteche WorldCat
7. Lao ren yu hai = The old man and the sea per Haimingwei
per 海明威 Hemingway, Ernest 1899-1961. Haimingwei
  Libro a stampa
Di 1 ban
人民日报出版社, Beijing : Ren min ri bao chu ban she
Biblioteche WorldCat
8. Lao ren yu hai = The old man and the sea per Haimingwei, (mei)
per (美) 海明威 Haimingwei, (mei); Lu Chen; Yue Hu
  Libro a stampa : Fiction
Di 1 ban
上海外语教育出版社, Shanghai : Shanghai wai yu jiao yu chu ban she
Biblioteche WorldCat
9. Lao ren yu hai = The old man and the sea per Haimingwei
per 海明威 Hemingway, Ernest 1899-1961. Haimingwei; Lu Chen; Yue Hu
  Libro a stampa
Di 1 ban
上海外语教育出版社, Shanghai : Shang hai wai yu jiao yu chu ban she
Biblioteche WorldCat
10. Lao ren yu hai = The old man and the sea : mei... per Haimingwei, (mei)
per (美) 海明威 (1899-1961) Haimingwei, (mei)
  Libro a stampa : Fiction
Di 1 ban
外文出版社, Beijing : Wai wen chu ban she
Biblioteche WorldCat
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