Formatos y ediciones de An introduction to the skill of musick : in two books : the first, the grounds and rules of musick, according to the gam-ut, and other principles thereof, the second, instructions & lessons for the bass-viol, and instruments & lessons for the treble-violin []
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      Título / Autor Tipo Idioma Fecha / Edición Publicación Biblioteca
1. An introduction to the skill of musick. In two... Autor: John Playford
Autor: John Playford; Thomas Campion; Christopher Simpson; Edward Lowe
  Libro impreso
Inglés (eng)
The 7th ed., cor. and enl
[Ridgewood, N.J.], [Gregg Press]
Bibliotecas WorldCat
2. An introduction to the skill of musick. In two... Autor: John Playford
Autor: John Playford; Thomas Campion; Christopher Simpson; Edward Lowe
  Libro impreso
Inglés (eng)
The 7th ed., corr. and enl
Ridgewood, N.J., Gregg Press
Bibliotecas WorldCat
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