Formáty nebo vydání An introduction to the skill of musick : in two books : the first, the grounds and rules of musick, according to the gam-ut, and other principles thereof, the second, instructions & lessons for the bass-viol, and instruments & lessons for the treble-violin []
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1. An introduction to the skill of musick. In two... Autor: John Playford
Autor: John Playford; Thomas Campion; Christopher Simpson; Edward Lowe
  Tištěná kniha
The 7th ed., cor. and enl
London, Printed by W. Godbid, for J. Playford
California Libraries
2. An introduction to the skill of musick : In two... Autor: John Playford
Autor: John Playford; Thomas Campion; Christopher Simpson
  Tištěná kniha
The seventh edition, corrected and enlarged
London, Printed by W. Godbid, for J. Playford at his shop in the Temple near the church
California Libraries
3. An introduction to the skill of musick : in two... Autor: John Playford
Autor: John Playford; Christopher Simpson; Edward Lowe; Thomas Campion
  e-kniha : Document
The seventh edition, corrected and enlarged
London : Printed by W. Godbid for J. Playford ...
California Libraries
4. An introduction to the skill of musick. In two... Autor: John Playford
Autor: John Playford; Thomas Campion; Christopher Simpson; Edward Lowe
  Tištěná kniha
The 7th ed., corr. and enl
London, Printed by W. Godbid, for J. Playford, [Ridgewood, N.J.], [Gregg Press]
Knihovny WorldCat
5. An introduction to the skill of musick : in two... Autor: John Playford
Autor: John Playford; Christopher Simpson; Edward Lowe; Thomas Campion
  e-kniha : Document
The 7th ed., corr. and enl
London : Printed by W. Godbid for J. Playford ...
Knihovny WorldCat
6. An introduction to the skill of musick : in two... Autor: John Playford
Autor: John Playford; Christopher Simpson; Edward Lowe; Thomas Campion
  Kniha   Mikroformát : Microfilm
The 7th ed., corr. and enl
London : Printed by W. Godbid for J. Playford ...
Knihovny WorldCat
7. An introduction to the skill of musick : in two... Autor: John Playford
Autor: John Playford; Christopher Simpson; Edward Lowe; Thomas Campion
  e-kniha : Document
The seventh edition, corrected and enlarged
London : Printed by W. Godbid for J. Playford ...
Knihovny WorldCat
8. An introduction to the skill of musick In two... Autor: John Playford
Autor: John Playford; Thomas Campion; Christopher Simpson
  Kniha   Mikroformát : Microfilm : Master microform
The seventh edition, corrected and enlarged
London, Printed by W. Godbid, for J. Playford ..
Knihovny WorldCat
9. An introduction to the skill of musick : in two... Autor: John Playford
Autor: John Playford; Christopher Simpson; Edward Lowe; Thomas Campion
  Kniha   Mikroformát : Microfilm : Master microform
The 7th ed., corr. and enl
London : Printed by W. Godbid for J. Playford ...
Knihovny WorldCat
10. An introduction to the skill of musick : in two... Autor: John Playford
Autor: John Playford; Christopher Simpson; Edward Lowe; Thomas Campion
  Kniha   Mikroformát : Microfilm
The 7th ed., corrected and enl
London : Printed by W. Godbid for J. Playford ...
Knihovny WorldCat
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