Formats and Editions of Állatfarm : tündérmese []
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      Title / Author Type Language Date / Edition Publication Library
91. Lei ren hai : dong wu zhuang yuan ling lei jie... by George Orwell
by George Orwell; Shicun Yu; Hua Zhao; Zhongzhou He
  Print book : Fiction
Di 1 ban
珠海出版社, Zhuhai : Zhuhai chu ban she
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92. Dong wu nong chang / Animal farm / George Orwell. by George Orwell
by George Orwell; Rude Rong
  eBook : Document
Di 1 ban
上海译文出版社, Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she
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93. Dong wu nong chang / Animal farm / George Orwell. by George Orwell
by George Orwell; Rude Rong
  Print book
Di 1 ban
上海译文出版社, Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she
WorldCat Libraries
94. Lei ren hai :
by (英) 奥威尔, 乔治. wei er Ao, (ying); shi cun Yu; zhong zhou He; hua Zhao
  Print book
Di 1 ban
珠海出版社, Zhu hai : Zhu hai chu ban she
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95. Dong wu nong chang by George Orwell
by George Orwell; wei ci Fu
  Print book : Fiction
北京十月文艺出版社, Bei jing : Bei jing shi yue wen yi chu ban she
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96. Animal farm = dong wu nong zhuang by Weier Ou
by 歐威爾 1903-1950. Weier Ou
  Print book : Secondary (senior high) school
Chu ban
寂天文化, Tai bei shi : Ji tian wen hua
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97. Dong wu nong zhuang = Animal farm by George Orwell
by George Orwell; Kaihui Lin
  Print book : Fiction
Chu ban
人本自然文化事業有限公司, Taibei Xian Shulin Shi : Ren ben zi ran wen hua shi ye you xian gong si
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98. Dong wu nong zhuang by Ou Wei Er, (Orwell  George  1903-1950)
by 歐威爾 (Orwell, George, 1903-1950) Ou Wei Er, (Orwell George 1903-1950); Qing-sheng Hu; George Orwell
  Print book : Biography
[Di er ban]
華文網出版 : 創智文化總代理, Tai bei xian zhong he shi : Hua wen wang chu ban : Chuang zhi wen hua zong dai li
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99. Dong wu nong zhuang = Animal farm by Ou wei er, (Orwell  George  1903-1950)
by 歐威爾 (Orwell, George, 1903-1950) Ou wei er, (Orwell George 1903-1950); George Orwell; Yinshi Li
  Print book : Biography : Fiction
Chu ban
星月文化出版 ; 成陽總代理, Tai bei shi : Xing yue wen hua chu ban ; Tai bei xian shu lin shi : Cheng yang zong dai li
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100. Dong wu nong zhuang = Animal farm by George Orwell
by George Orwell; Liwei Li
  Print book : Fiction
Di 1 ban
中国社会科学出版社, Beijing : Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she
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