Formats and Editions of Állatfarm : tündérmese []
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      Title / Author Type Language Date / Edition Publication Library
101. Dong wu nong zhuang by George Orwell
by George Orwell; Youhua Huang
  Print book : Fiction
Di 1 ban
精品出版有限公司 ; 希代書版股份有限公司, Xianggang : Jing pin chu ban you xian gong si ; Taibei Shi : Xi dai shu ban gu fen you xian gong si
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102. Dong wu nong zhuang by Ou wei er, (Orwell  George  1903-1950)
by 歐威爾 (Orwell, George, 1903-1950) Ou wei er, (Orwell George 1903-1950); George Orwell; Meijun Sun
  Print book
Di 1 ban
驛站文化出版 ; 朝日總經銷, Tai bei shi : Yi zhan wen hua chu ban ; Tai bei xian zhong he shi : Zhao ri zong jing xiao
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103. Dong wu nong zhuang by George Orwell
by George Orwell; Chengwei Cai; Guoxiang Huang
  Print book : Fiction
Chu ban
人光出版社, Tainan Shi : Ren guang chu ban she
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104. Dong wu nong zhuang : Quan li di tiao zhan by George Orwell
by George Orwell
  Print book : Fiction
Chu ban, 3 shua
萬象圖書股份有限公司, Taibei : Wan xiang tu shu gu fen you xian gong si
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105. Dong wu nong zhuang by George Orwell
by George Orwell; Heyunzi.; Luxiangru.; Weier Ou
  Print book : Fiction
Chu ban
臺灣東方, Tai bei shi : Tai wan dong fang
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106. Dong wu nong zhuang by Ou wei er, (Orwell  George)
by 歐威爾 (Orwell, George) 著. Ou wei er, (Orwell George); Yizhong Shi
  Print book : International government publication
1 ban
萬象, Tai bei shi : Wan xiang
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107. Dong wu nong zhuang by Erqiaozhi Ouwei
by 歐威爾喬治, 著. Erqiaozhi Ouwei
  Print book
Chu ban
Publication: Man hua shi jie wen xue ming zhu, 10
牛頓出版公司, Tai bei shi : Niu dun chu ban gong si
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108. Dong wu nong zhuang by Ao wei er, (Orwell  George 1903-1950)
by 奧維爾 (Orwell, George,1903-1950) Ao wei er, (Orwell George 1903-1950); Yizhong Shi
  Print book
Zai ban
久大印行 : 萬象總經銷, Tai bei shi : Jiu da yin xing : Wan xiang zong jing xiao
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109. Dong wu zhuang yuan : yi ge shen qi di gu shi by George Orwell
by George Orwell; Yi Zhang
  eBook : Document
上海人民出版社, Shanghai : Shanghai ren min chu ban she
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110. Dong wu zhuang yuan : Yi ge shen qi de gu shi by Yi Zhang
by Yi Zhang; Xiaoxian Gao;
  Print book
Di 1 ban
上海人民出版社, Shanghai : Shang hai ren min chu ban she
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