Formats and Editions of The Count of Monte Cristo []
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      Title / Author Type Language Date / Edition Publication Library
191. Ji du shan bo jue by zhong ma Da, (fa)
by (法) 大仲马, A. zhong ma Da, (fa); bei Tang
  Print book : Fiction : Juvenile audience
Di 1 ban
天津人民出版社, Tian jin : Tian jin ren min chu ban she
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192. Ji du shan bo jue by Da zhong ma
by Da zhong ma; Ba dun.; Zhang xiao yun.; Li guo xia.;
  Print book : Fiction
航空工业出版社, Bei jing : Hang kong gong ye chu ban she
WorldCat Libraries
193. Ji du shan bo jue = The count of Monte Cristo by zhong ma Da, (fa)
by (法) 大仲马 zhong ma Da, (fa); Yael Goldstein; si qing Li
  Print book : Fiction
Di 1 ban
天津科技翻译出版公司, Tian jin : Tian jin ke ji fan yi chu ban gong si
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194. Ji du shan bo jue by Da zhong ma
by Da zhong ma;
  Print book
内蒙古人民出版社, Hu he huo hao te : Nei meng gu ren min chu ban she
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195. Ji du shan bo jue by Zhongma Da
by Zhongma Da; Yumin Li; Xiaoqing Chen;
  Print book
Di 3 ban
北京燕山出版社, Beijing : Bei jing yan shan chu ban she
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196. Ji du shan bo jue by Da zhong ma
by Da zhong ma; Gao lin.;
  Print book : Fiction
长江文艺出版社, Wu han : Chang jiang wen yi chu ban she
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197. Ji du shan bo jue = The Count of Monte Cristo by zhong ma Da, (fa)
by (法) 大仲马, A. zhong ma Da, (fa); DONG HAO QIU
  Print book : Fiction : Juvenile audience
Di 1 ban
中国书店, Bei jing : Zhong guo shu dian
WorldCat Libraries
198. Ji du shan bo jue by Ma Zhong
by Ma Zhong; Mas Du; Donghao Qiu;
  Print book
Di 1 ban
中国书店, Beijing : Zhong guo shu dian
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199. Ji du shan bo jue = The Count of Monte Cristo by A. Dazhongma.
by 大仲马 A. A. Dazhongma.; S Feixier; Lixin Zhang
  Print book
Di 1 ban
外语教学与研究出版社, Beijing : Wai yu jiao xue yu yan jiu chu ban she
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200. Ji du shan bo jue = Le comte de monte-cristo by zhong ma Da
by 大仲马, 1802-1870. zhong ma Da; lin Gao
  Print book : Fiction
长江文艺出版社, Wu han : Chang jiang wen yi chu ban she
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